Home About Contact Donate #Donate Hi there! Donations are always appreciated. Especially when paying for university by yourself and doing a lot of volunteer work, beyond the call of duty. Don't be shy, don't hide. I don't bite. If you enjoy my work or you simply feel generous, feel free to buy me a coffee ![1] or a Fanta! ![2] Kind regards, - Joe ----------------------------------------- <a href="http://paypal.me/joedf"><img src="assets/img/donate-paypal.png" alt="Donate with PayPal" title="Donate with PayPal"></a> <a href="#bitcoin"><img src="assets/img/donate-bitcoin.png" alt="Donate with BitCoin" title="Donate with BitCoin" onclick="toggleBitcoinQR();"></a> <p id="bitcoin">If the bitcoin QR code below does not show up: <code>1MSWeU3qbq53YsHsweByT1mgxG5BSvaq9x</code></p> [1]: assets/img/emoji/coffee24.png [2]: assets/img/emoji/drink24.png