/* globals
/* exported GetOptimalBoxWidth */
* Used for display, for number.toFixed() rounding.
* @namespace G_MATH_TOFIXED
const G_MATH_TOFIXED = {
* @type {number}
* @description The minimum number of decimal digits.
MIN: 1,
/** The short or standard number of decimal digits. */
/** The maximum or "longest" number of decimal digits. */
* Calculated the size to use for each drawing box/stage.
* Edit the values in the functions to change the box sizing.
* @returns The size to use.
function GetOptimalBoxWidth(){
// Values used to calculate the size of each box/stage
var boxesPerPageWidth = 5;
// count-in the width of the borders of the boxes
var boxBorderW = 2 * (parseInt($('.box:first').css('border-width')) || 1);
var scrollBarW = 15; // scroll bar width
var boxSizeMax = 300; //max width for the boxes
// make sure to have an integer value to prevent slight sizing differences between each box
var calculatedBoxSize = Math.ceil(Math.max(
(document.body.clientWidth / boxesPerPageWidth) - boxBorderW - scrollBarW,
return calculatedBoxSize;
* Various utility and helper functions
* @namespace Utils
const Utils = {
* Makes a new stage 'box' with a layer added, and some settings
* @param {Element} parentContainer the DOM element of the parent container in which to add a stage 'box'.
* @param {*} w the width of the stage
* @param {*} h the height of the stage
* @returns the drawing stage.
newStageTemplate: function(parentContainer, w, h) {
var $e = $('<div/>').addClass('box').appendTo(parentContainer);
var stage = new Konva.Stage({
container: $e.get(0),
width: w,
height: h
// then create layer and to stage
var layer = new Konva.Layer({
listening: false // faster render
// add and push
// turn off by default antialiasing/smoothing
// important do that AFTER you added layer to a stage
// https://github.com/konvajs/konva/issues/306#issuecomment-351263036
return stage;
* Initiates the image resource load with a callback once the image is loaded.
* @param {string} url The url pointing to the image to load.
* @param {function} callback The callback function to call/run once the image is loaded.
* @param {boolean} _allowRetryAsUTIF Used internally to prevent a recursive retry loop with the UTIF decoder.
loadImage: function(url, callback, _allowRetryAsUTIF = true) {
var imageObj = new Image();
imageObj.onload = callback;
imageObj.onerror = function(e){
// eslint-disable-next-line no-magic-numbers
if (_allowRetryAsUTIF && e.target.src.substring(0,22) == "data:image/tiff;base64") {
console.warn("ERROR: could not load the given TIFF image. Retrying with UTIF decoder.", e);
Utils._loadImageUTIF(url, callback);
} else {
console.error("ERROR: could not load the given image.", e);
imageObj.src = url;
* Used internally by @see {@link Utils.loadImage} to retry loading TIFFs with the
* UTIF.js decoder that otherwise failed with the built-in decoder.
* @param {*} url The image base64 URL/URI.
* @param {*} callback a function to call when image.onload happens.
_loadImageUTIF: async function(url, callback) {
// useful links
// https://github.com/photopea/UTIF.js/
// https://observablehq.com/@ehouais/decoding-tiff-image-data
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/52410044/883015
// let blob = await fetch(url).then(r => r.blob());
await fetch(url).then(response => response.blob()) // get the url as a blob
.then(blob => blob.arrayBuffer()) // get the data as a array/buffer
.then(UTIF.bufferToURI) // decode the data as an RGBA8 image data URI
// load the image once again as usual...
Utils.loadImage(decoded_as_rgba8_url, callback, false);
* Attempts to get the value or text within a given element/control.
* @param {object|jQuery} $e the jquery wrapped DOM element.
* @returns the value contained or represented in the given control/element.
getInputValueInt: function($e){
var rawValue = parseInt($e.val());
if (isNaN(rawValue))
return parseInt($e.attr('placeholder'));
return rawValue;
getRowsInput: function(){ return G_GUI_Controller.pixelCountY; },
getColsInput: function(){ return G_GUI_Controller.pixelCountX; },
getBrightnessInput: function(){ return G_GUI_Controller.brightness; },
getContrastInput: function(){ return G_GUI_Controller.contrast; },
getGlobalBCInput: function(){ return G_GUI_Controller.globalBC; },
getCellWInput: function(){ return this.getInputValueInt($('#iCellW')); },
getCellHInput: function(){ return this.getInputValueInt($('#iCellH')); },
getSpotXInput: function(){ return this.getInputValueInt($('#iSpotX')); },
getSpotYInput: function(){ return this.getInputValueInt($('#iSpotY')); },
getSpotAngleInput: function(){ return this.getInputValueInt($('#iSpotAngle')); },
getGroundtruthImage: function(){ return G_GUI_Controller.groundTruthImg; },
getPixelSizeNmInput: function(){ return G_GUI_Controller.pixelSize_nm; },
setPixelSizeNmInput: function(val){ G_GUI_Controller.controls.pixelSize_nm.setValue(val); },
getShowRulerInput: function(){ return G_GUI_Controller.showRuler; },
getSpotLayoutOpacityInput: function(){ return G_GUI_Controller.previewOpacity; },
getImageMetricAlgorithm: function(){ return G_GUI_Controller.imageMetricAlgo; },
getImageSmoothing: function(){ return G_GUI_Controller.imageSmoothing; },
getImageFillMode: function(){
// TODO: maybe add a GUI option to toggle between fit, fill, stretch modes...
// just a default for now, until support for this is implemented
// https://github.com/joedf/ImgBeamer/issues/7
// TODO: likely have a global 'enum' of all the fill modes?
// return "fit";
return "squish";
* Creates a Zoom event handler to be used on a stage.
* Holding the shift key scales at half the rate.
* @param {object} stage the drawing stage
* @param {object} konvaObj the figure or object on the stage to change.
* @param {function} callback a callback for when the zoom event handler is called.
* @param {number} scaleFactor the scale factor per "tick"
* @param {number|function} scaleMin the scale minimum allowed defined as a number or function.
* @param {number|function} scaleMax the scale maximum allowed defined as a number or function.
* @returns the created event handler
// eslint-disable-next-line no-magic-numbers
MakeZoomHandler: function(stage, konvaObj, callback=null, scaleFactor=1.2, scaleMin=0, scaleMax=Infinity){
var _self = this;
var handler = function(e){
// modified from https://konvajs.org/docs/sandbox/Zooming_Relative_To_Pointer.html
e.evt.preventDefault(); // stop default scrolling
var scaleBy = scaleFactor;
// Do half rate scaling, if shift is pressed
if (e.evt.shiftKey) {
scaleBy = 1 +((scaleBy-1) / 2);
// how to scale? Zoom in? Or zoom out?
let direction = e.evt.deltaY > 0 ? -1 : 1;
var oldScale = konvaObj.scaleX();
var pointer = stage.getPointerPosition();
var newScale = direction > 0 ? oldScale * scaleBy : oldScale / scaleBy;
// Allow scale[Min/Max] to be functions or numbers...
var _scaleMin = (typeof scaleMin == 'function') ? scaleMin(oldScale, newScale) : scaleMin;
var _scaleMax = (typeof scaleMax == 'function') ? scaleMax(oldScale, newScale) : scaleMax;
// Limit scale based on given bounds
var finalScale = Math.min(_scaleMax, Math.max(_scaleMin, newScale));
if (pointer != null)
_self.scaleCenteredOnPoint(pointer, konvaObj, oldScale, finalScale);
else {
if (G_DEBUG) {
console.warn("MakeZoomHandler got a null pointer...");
if (typeof callback == 'function')
return handler;
* Creates and adds a pinch-Zoom (multi-touch touchscreens) event handler to be used on a shape.
* for more info, see https://konvajs.org/docs/sandbox/Multi-touch_Scale_Shape.html
* @param {*} activeShape the shape or object to scale.
* @param {function} callback a callback for when the zoom event handler is called.
* @param {number} scaleMin the scale minimum allowed.
* @param {number} scaleMax the scale maximum allowed.
AddPinchScaleHandlers: function(stage, activeShape, callback=null, scaleMin=0, scaleMax=Infinity){
var lastDist = 0;
stage.getContent().addEventListener('touchmove', function(evt){
// ensure we have valid event object with at least 2 touch points
if (evt == null || evt.touches == null || evt.touches.length < 2)
return null;
// e.preventDefault(); // stop default events
// get the touch points
var touch1 = evt.touches[0];
var touch2 = evt.touches[1];
if (touch1 && touch2) {
var dist = Utils.distance(touch1.clientX, touch1.clientY, touch2.clientX, touch2.clientY);
if (!lastDist) {
lastDist = dist;
// calculate scaling amount
var currentScale = activeShape.scaleX();
var scaleBy = (currentScale * dist) / lastDist;
// Limit scale based on given bounds
var finalScale = Math.min(scaleMax, Math.max(scaleMin, scaleBy));
// do the scale
// TODO: this seems to be skidding, jumps in the shape.x() and .y() values
// possibly due to race conditions between events?
Utils.scaleOnCenter(stage, activeShape, currentScale, finalScale);
// Utils.scaleCenteredOnPoint(stage.getPointerPosition(), activeShape, currentScale, finalScale);
lastDist = dist;
if (typeof callback == 'function')
stage.getContent().addEventListener('touchend', function(){
lastDist = 0;
* Creates a ruler control / drawable on the given layer of a konva stage.
* Scaling is calculated using the stage size, the input image size,
* and the (globally set) image pixel size in "real" / physical units.
* @param {*} layer The layer of the stage to draw on.
* @param {*} oImg The input image.
* @param {*} x1 the starting x coordinate of the ruler line.
* @param {*} y1 the starting y coordinate of the ruler line.
* @param {*} x2 the ending x coordinate of the ruler line.
* @param {*} y2 the ending y coordinate of the ruler line.
* @returns an object with the property "element" for the drawable control,
* a getLengthNm() method to get the current length of the ruler in physical units,
* a getPixelSize(lengthNm) method to calculate the pixel size in physical (nm) units
* based on the new specified length of the ruler in physical (nm) units,
* and a doUpdate() method to update the ruler to represent the its latest state.
CreateRuler: function(layer, oImg, x1 = 0, y1 = 100, x2 = 100, y2 = 100) {
var stage = layer.getStage();
var lengthNm = 0;
var updateCalc = function(){
//TODO: maybe have scaling function for this...?
var linePts = line.points();
var pxSizeNmX = Utils.getPixelSizeNmInput();
// we need to scale by stage size as well and image size...
var pt1 = Utils.stageToImagePixelCoordinates(linePts[0], linePts[1], stage, oImg);
var pt2 = Utils.stageToImagePixelCoordinates(linePts[2], linePts[3], stage, oImg);
// and convert to "real" units
// currently we only have pixel size in X direction
var nm1 = Utils.imagePixelToRealCoordinates(pt1.x, pt1.y, pxSizeNmX);
var nm2 = Utils.imagePixelToRealCoordinates(pt2.x, pt2.y, pxSizeNmX);
// before we make the distance calculation
// this is done to support non-square pixels
var distNm = Utils.distance(nm1.x, nm1.y, nm2.x, nm2.y);
var fmt = Utils.formatUnitNm(distNm);
text.text(fmt.value.toFixed(G_MATH_TOFIXED.SHORT) + " " + fmt.unit);
lengthNm = distNm;
var calculateNewPixelSize = function(lengthNm){
// does the "reverse" calculation for the pixel size
// get points in image pixel coordinates
var linePts = line.points();
var pt1 = Utils.stageToImagePixelCoordinates(linePts[0], linePts[1], stage, oImg);
var pt2 = Utils.stageToImagePixelCoordinates(linePts[2], linePts[3], stage, oImg);
// compute x/y components and scale it accordingly
var dx = Math.abs(pt1.x - pt2.x);
var dy = Math.abs(pt1.y - pt2.y);
// compute angle
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/9614122/883015
var radAngle = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
// decompose the given length in to x/y components
// this is done to support non-square pixels
var length = {
x: lengthNm * Math.cos(radAngle),
y: lengthNm * Math.sin(radAngle),
// calculate pixel size
var pxSizeNm = {
x: length.x / dx,
y: length.y / dy,
return pxSizeNm;
var anchorMove = function(e, anchor){
// shift-key makes straight horizontal line
if (e.evt.shiftKey) {
if (anchor == anchors.start) {
} else {
// ctrl-key makes straight vertical line
else if (e.evt.ctrlKey) {
if (anchor == anchors.start) {
} else {
anchors.start.x() - line.x(),
anchors.start.y() - line.y(),
anchors.end.x() - line.x(),
anchors.end.y() - line.y()
var anchors = {
start: this._CreateAnchor(x1, y1, anchorMove),
end: this._CreateAnchor(x2, y2, anchorMove),
var group = new Konva.Group({
draggable: true,
var line = new Konva.Arrow({
pointerAtBeginning: true,
points: [x1, y1, x2, y2],
strokeWidth: 2,
fill: "lime",
stroke: 'lime',
line.on("mouseover", function(){ this.strokeWidth(4); });
line.on("mouseout", function(){ this.strokeWidth(2); });
group.on('mouseover', function(){ document.body.style.cursor = "pointer"; });
group.on('mouseout', function(){
document.body.style.cursor = "default";
group.on('mousemove', function(){
var mousePos = stage.getPointerPosition();
var offset = 5;
var updateLabel = function(){
var linePts = line.points();
x: (linePts[0] + linePts[2]) / 2,
y: (linePts[1] + linePts[3]) / 2,
label.offsetX(label.width() / 2);
label.offsetY(label.height() / 2);
group.on('dragmove', updateLabel);
var label = new Konva.Label();
var text = new Konva.Text({
text: '0.00 nm',
fontFamily: 'monospace',
fontSize: 12,
// fontStyle: 'bold',
padding: 5,
fill: 'lime',
fillAfterStrokeEnabled: true,
stroke: 'black',
listening: false,
var tooltip = new Konva.Text({
text: 'Double-click to set the pixel size / scaling.',
fontSize: 12,
width: 150,
padding: 8,
fill: 'white',
fillAfterStrokeEnabled: true,
stroke: 'black',
visible: false,
listening: false,
group.add(line, anchors.start, anchors.end, label);
layer.add(group, tooltip);
// return {"group": group, "archors": anchors, "line": line};
return {
element: group,
getLengthNm: function(){ return lengthNm; },
getPixelSize: function(lengthNm){
return calculateNewPixelSize(lengthNm);
doUpdate: function(){ updateLabel(); },
_CreateAnchor: function(x, y, onMove, strokeWidth = 2) {
// modified from:
// https://konvajs.org/docs/sandbox/Modify_Curves_with_Anchor_Points.html
var anchor = new Konva.Circle({
x: x,
y: y,
radius: 5,
stroke: "#666",
fill: "#ddd",
strokeWidth: strokeWidth,
draggable: true,
opacity: 0.4,
// add hover styling
anchor.on("mouseover", function () {
document.body.style.cursor = "pointer";
this.strokeWidth(strokeWidth + 2);
anchor.on("mouseout", function () {
document.body.style.cursor = "default";
anchor.on("dragmove", function (e) {
if (typeof onMove == 'function')
onMove(e, this);
return anchor;
* Creates a random integer between 0 and the given maximum.
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Math/random
* @param {number} max the largest value possible.
* @returns a random number.
getRandomInt: function(max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * max);
* Initiates a download of the given resource, like programmatically clicking on a download link.
* function from:
* https://konvajs.org/docs/data_and_serialization/High-Quality-Export.html
* https://stackoverflow.com/a/15832662/512042
* @param {string} uri a url pointing to the resource to download.
* @param {*} name the filename to use for the downloaded file.
downloadURI: function(uri, name) {
var link = document.createElement('a');
link.download = name;
link.href = uri;
// delete link;
* Updates the displayed statistics or parameters on the Spot profile.
* @param {*} stage the drawing stage for the spot profile and where to display the values.
* @param {*} beam the beam used for the spot layout and sampling of the image (after scaling).
* @param {*} cellSize the size of a cell in the raster grid of the resulting image.
* @param {*} userImage the scaled image by the user (in spot content) used to size the beam.
updateDisplayBeamParams: function(stage, beam, cellSize, userImage, onDblClick) {
// calculate and display the values
const infoclass = "parameterDisplay";
var element = this.ensureInfoBox(stage, infoclass, onDblClick);
if (element) {
var beamSizeA = beam.radiusX() * beam.scaleX(),
beamSizeB = beam.radiusY() * beam.scaleY();
// swap them so that is beamSizeA the larger one, for convention
if (beamSizeA < beamSizeB) { [beamSizeA, beamSizeB] = [beamSizeB, beamSizeA]; }
// https://www.cuemath.com/geometry/eccentricity-of-ellipse/
var eccentricity = Math.sqrt(1 - (Math.pow(beamSizeB,2) / Math.pow(beamSizeA,2)));
var spotSizeX = NaN, spotSizeY = NaN;
if (typeof userImage != 'undefined'){
var bw = (beam.width()*beam.scaleX()) / userImage.scaleX();
var bh = (beam.height()*beam.scaleY()) / userImage.scaleY();
spotSizeX = (bw / cellSize.w)*100;
spotSizeY = (bh / cellSize.h)*100;
// display it
element.innerHTML = 'Eccentricity: '+eccentricity.toFixed(G_MATH_TOFIXED.SHORT) +'<br>'
+ 'Rotation: '+beam.rotation().toFixed(G_MATH_TOFIXED.MIN)+"°" +'<br>'
+ 'Width: '+spotSizeX.toFixed(G_MATH_TOFIXED.MIN)+'%' +'<br>'
+ 'Height: '+spotSizeY.toFixed(G_MATH_TOFIXED.MIN)+'%';
// tooltip
element.title = 'Double-click to change the spot width.';
* Calculates cell size based on given object (eg. rect, stage, or image), rows and cols
* @param {*} rect a Konva object that has a width and height, usually a rect, image, or stage.
* @param {number} rows (optional) the number of rows to split the area into.
* If not is provided, attempts to get it from gui/input.
* @param {number} cols (optional) the number of columns to split the area into.
* If not is provided, attempts to get it from gui/input.
* @returns the size (w,h) of a cell in the raster grid.
computeCellSize: function(rect, rows = -1, cols = -1){
if (rows <= 0) { rows = this.getRowsInput(); }
if (cols <= 0) { cols = this.getColsInput(); }
var cellSize = {
w: rect.width() / cols,
h: rect.height() / rows,
return cellSize;
* Calculates the magnification based on the given rectangles' width and scaleX
* @param {*} rectBase The original object
* @param {*} rectScaled The scaled object
* @returns The magnification (ratio)
computeMagLevel: function(rectBase, rectScaled) {
var rW = (rectScaled.width() * rectScaled.scaleX()) / (rectBase.width() * rectBase.scaleX());
return rW;
* Displays and updates the magnification.
* @param {*} destStage The stage to display the info on.
* @param {*} scaledRect The shape to calculate the magnification from compared to its stage.
updateMagInfo: function(destStage, scaledRect) {
// add/update the mag disp. text
const infoclass = "magDisplay";
var element = this.ensureInfoBox(destStage, infoclass);
if (element) {
var magLevel = this.computeMagLevel(scaledRect.getStage(), scaledRect);
var fmtMag = magLevel.toFixed(G_MATH_TOFIXED.SHORT) + 'X';
// display it
element.innerHTML = fmtMag;
G_GUI_Controller.digitalMag = fmtMag;
* Displays and updates the Image metrics, if {@link G_IMG_METRIC_ENABLED} is true.
* @param {*} sourceStage The stage for the ground truth / reference image
* @param {*} destStage The stage for the image to compare
updateImageMetricsInfo: function(sourceStage, destStage) {
// create info dialog as needed
const dialogId = "dialog-imgMetric";
const eTitle = "Double-click for more information.";
var onDblClick = function(){
let dialog = $('#'+dialogId);
if (dialog.length) {
} else {
var elem = $("<div/>")
'id': dialogId,
'title': G_APP_NAME + " - Image Quality Metric"
<input type="hidden" autofocus="autofocus" />
<p><b>Image Quality</b></p>
The intended use of an image metric in this application is more of a qualitative
nature, rather than quantitative. The user should be able to grasp any trends in the
change of the image quality metric when the imaging parameters are changed.
That said, it is the trends or change in the image quality metric values that
are important, more so than the values themselves.
Other than the MSE and PSNR algorithms, a value of 0.0 indicates the lowest
score or match when compared to the original (ground truth) image. Whereas
a maximum score of 1.0 indicates a perfect match. Naturally, the ground truth image
is assumed to be of optimum quality for this comparison.
<summary><b>Additional Information</b></p></summary>
<p>For performance reasons, the metric is only updated at every quarter of the image
drawn, or if the draw-rate is fast, <i>i.e.</i>, less than 50 ms/row
(for non SSIM-based algorithms).
<p>Unfortunately, there is no flawless or foolproof image quality metric.
Over 20 different image metrics have been reviewed and compared by
<a href="https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214241X15000206">
Jagalingam and Hegde in a 2015 paper</a>, each with
their different strengths and weaknesses.
<li>More information on the purpose and intended use can be found
<a href="https://github.com/joedf/CAS741_w23/blob/main/docs/SRS/SRS.pdf">here</a>.</li>
<li>A comparison of various image quality metrics used in this application is available
<a href="https://github.com/joedf/CAS741_w23/blob/main/docs/VnVReport/VnVReport.pdf">here</a>.</li>
modal: true,
width: 540,
buttons: {
Ok: function() {
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
// calculate and display
const infoclass = "metricsDisplay";
var element = this.ensureInfoBox(destStage, infoclass, onDblClick, eTitle);
if (element) {
// Show/hide the img-metric based on the global boolean
// only do the calc, if enabled
// compare without Image Smoothing
const imageSmoothing = false;
// get ground truth image
var refImage = this.getFirstImageFromStage(sourceStage);
var refData = this.getKonvaImageData(refImage, imageSmoothing);
// get the image without the row/draw indicator
var finalImage = this.getVirtualSEM_KonvaImage(destStage);
var finalData = this.getKonvaImageData(finalImage, imageSmoothing);
// Do the metric calculation here
// based on the algorithm/metric chosen...
var metricValue = 0;
var algo = Utils.getImageMetricAlgorithm();
if (algo.indexOf('SSIM') >= 0) {
// needed for the SSIM / MS-SSIM library
const img_channel_count = 4;
refData.channels = img_channel_count;
finalData.channels = img_channel_count;
let metrics = ImageMSSSIM.compare(refData, finalData);
if (algo == "MS-SSIM") {
metricValue = metrics.msssim;
} else {
metricValue = metrics.ssim;
} else { // 'MSE', 'PSNR', 'iNRMSE', 'iNMSE'
let metrics = NRMSE.compare(refData, finalData);
switch(algo) {
case 'MSE': metricValue = metrics.mse; break;
case 'PSNR': metricValue = metrics.psnr; break;
case 'iNMSE': metricValue = metrics.inmse; break;
default: metricValue = metrics.inrmse;
// display it
element.innerHTML = algo + " = " + metricValue.toFixed(G_MATH_TOFIXED.LONG);
updateSubregionPixelSize: function(destStage, subregionImage, imageObj){
var rows = Utils.getRowsInput(), cols = Utils.getColsInput();
var rect = {
w: subregionImage.width() * subregionImage.scaleX(),
h: subregionImage.height() * subregionImage.scaleY(),
// TODO: maybe get the ground truth image stage for the size info instead,
// we are likely "cheating" here because all stages share the same size
// in the current design...
var gt_stage_size = destStage.size();
var pxSizeNm = Utils.getPixelSizeNmInput();
var fullImgSize = {
w: imageObj.naturalWidth * pxSizeNm,
h: imageObj.naturalHeight * pxSizeNm,
// similar formula to the used for the subregion rect in the groundtruth view
var subregionSizeNm = {
w: (gt_stage_size.width / rect.w) * fullImgSize.w,
h: (gt_stage_size.height / rect.h) * fullImgSize.h,
// get optimal / formated unit
// TODO: maybe use "this." instead of "Utils."
// do it for all functions too?
var fmtPxSize = Utils.formatUnitNm(
subregionSizeNm.w / cols,
subregionSizeNm.h / rows
// display coords & FOV size
fmtPxSize.value.toFixed(G_MATH_TOFIXED.SHORT) + ' x '
+ fmtPxSize.value2.toFixed(G_MATH_TOFIXED.SHORT)
+ ' ' + fmtPxSize.unit + '/px'
* Displays and updates additional info on the given stage
* @param {*} destStage The stage to display info on.
* @param {string} infoText Text to display.
updateExtraInfo: function(destStage, infoText) {
const infoclass = "extraInfoDisplay";
var element = this.ensureInfoBox(destStage, infoclass);
if (element) {
// display it
element.innerHTML = infoText;
* Conditionally displays a small warning icon if it meets the G_AUTO_PREVIEW_LIMIT.
* This icon can be hovered or double-clicked to obtain
* a message explaining the drawing is done row-by-row instead of frame-by-frame
* for performance / responsiveness.
* @param {*} stage The stage to display it on.
* @todo Currently, only used for the Subregion resampled stage, could be used elsewhere?
updateVSEM_ModeWarning: function(stage) {
// add Row-by-row / vSEM mode warning
var vSEM_note = $(stage.getContainer()).find('.vsem_mode').first();
var alreadyAdded = vSEM_note.length > 0;
// check if we should create it and add the UI element
if (!alreadyAdded) {
vSEM_note = Utils.ensureInfoBox(stage, 'vsem_mode',
if (vSEM_note) {
// warn icon from GitHub's octicons (https://github.com/primer/octicons)
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
const warnIcon = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"><path fill="#FFFF00" d="M6.457 1.047c.659-1.234 2.427-1.234 3.086 0l6.082 11.378A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 14.082 15H1.918a1.75 1.75 0 0 1-1.543-2.575Zm1.763.707a.25.25 0 0 0-.44 0L1.698 13.132a.25.25 0 0 0 .22.368h12.164a.25.25 0 0 0 .22-.368Zm.53 3.996v2.5a.75.75 0 0 1-1.5 0v-2.5a.75.75 0 0 1 1.5 0ZM9 11a1 1 0 1 1-2 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0Z"></path></svg>';
vSEM_note.innerHTML = warnIcon;
vSEM_note.title = "For higher pixel counts, the drawing is done "
+ "row-by-row instead of frame-by-frame "
+ "for improved performance / responsiveness.";
// check if we should show/hide it
var rows = Utils.getRowsInput(), cols = Utils.getColsInput();
var showWarnVSEM = (rows*cols > G_AUTO_PREVIEW_LIMIT);
* Updates the displayed element to be shown/hidden according
* to the advanced mode setting. Affects all HTML elements with
* the class "advancedMode".
updateAdvancedMode: function(){
var isAdvModeON = false;
if (typeof G_GUI_Controller !== 'undefined' || G_GUI_Controller !== null){
isAdvModeON = G_GUI_Controller.advancedMode;
* Gets or creates an info-box element on the given stage.
* @param {*} stage The stage on which display/have the info-box.
* @param {string} className The class name of the info-box DOM element.
* @param {function} [onDblClick] bound on creation, the event handler / callback for on-doubleclick event
* @param {string} [title] Optional title / tooltip text.
* @returns the info-box DOM element.
ensureInfoBox: function(stage, className, onDblClick, title) {
// get stage container
var eStage = $(stage.getContainer());
// check if we create the element already
var e = eStage.children('.'+className+':first');
if (e.length <= 0) {
// not found, so create it
eStage.prepend('<span class="infoBox '+className+'"></span>');
e = eStage.children('.'+className+':first');
if (typeof title == 'string') {
e.attr('title', title);
// return the non-jquery-wrapped DOM element
var element = e.get(0);
// but return false if not found or unsuccessful
if (typeof element == 'undefined')
return false;
// attach the dbclick event handler if one was given
// we bind everytime instead of only on-creation to prevent
// any issues with stale references in the given handler function.
if (typeof onDblClick == 'function') {
// ensure we remove all previous dblclick handlers so dont end up
// with multiple instances of the handler being triggered...
e.unbind('dblclick').on('dblclick', onDblClick);
return element;
* Calculates a new size (width and height) for the given object to fit in a stage's view bounds.
* @param {number} w the original width
* @param {number} h the original height
* @param {number} maxDimension The largest dimension (whether width or height) to fit in.
* @param {boolean} fillMode Whether to do a "fill", "fit" / "letterbox", "crop", or "squish" fit.
* @returns the new calculated size
* @todo fillMode is not yet fully supported, see https://github.com/joedf/ImgBeamer/issues/7
fitImageProportions: function(w, h, maxDimension, fillMode="squish"){
var mode = fillMode.toLowerCase().trim();
// image ratio to "fit" in canvas
var ratio = (w > h ? (w / maxDimension) : (h / maxDimension)); // fit
if (mode == "fill"){
ratio = (w > h ? (h / maxDimension) : (w / maxDimension)); // fill
if (mode == "squish") {
return {w: maxDimension, h: maxDimension};
var iw = w/ratio; //, ih = h/ratio;
return {w: iw, h: iw};
* Scales the given shape, and moves it to preserve original center
* @todo maybe, no need to have oldScale specified, can be obtained from shape.scale() ...
* @todo possibly simplify this like {@link Utils.centeredScale} and remove the other?
* @param {*} stage The stage of the shape object
* @param {*} shape the shape object itself
* @param {*} oldScale the shapes old scale
* @param {*} newScale the new scale
scaleOnCenter: function(stage, shape, oldScale, newScale){
var stageCenter = {
x: stage.width()/2 - stage.x(),
y: stage.height()/2 - stage.y()
this.scaleCenteredOnPoint(stageCenter, shape, oldScale, newScale);
* shorthand for @see {@link Utils.scaleOnCenter}.
* Gets the stage and original scale from the shape directly.
* @param {*} shape the shape to scale
* @param {*} newScale the new scale.
centeredScale: function(shape, newScale){
this.scaleOnCenter(shape.getStage(), shape, shape.scaleX(), newScale);
* Scales the given shaped while keeping it centered on the given point.
* @param {*} point the centering point.
* @param {*} shape the shape to scale and position.
* @param {*} oldScale the shape's original scale
* @param {*} newScale the shape's new scale
scaleCenteredOnPoint: function(point, shape, oldScale, newScale){
// could be expanded to do both x and y scaling
shape.scale({x: newScale, y: newScale});
var oldPos = {
x: (point.x - shape.x()) / oldScale,
y: (point.y - shape.y()) / oldScale,
x: point.x - oldPos.x * newScale,
y: point.y - oldPos.y * newScale,
* Computes the average pixel value assuming an RGBA format, with a max of 255 for each component.
* @param {ImageData} raw The image data (access to pixel data).
* @returns an array of the average pixel value [R,G,B,A].
get_avg_pixel_rgba: function(raw) {
var blanks = 0;
var d = raw.data;
var sum = [0, 0, 0, 0];
for (var i = 0; i < d.length; i += 4) {
// Optimization note, with greyscale we only need to process one component...
const px = [d[i], d[i+1], d[i+2], d[1+3]];
// var r = px[0], g = px[1], b = px[2], a = px[3];
if (px.every(c => c === 0)) {
blanks += 1;
} else {
sum[0] += px[0];
sum[1] += px[1];
sum[2] += px[2];
sum[3] += px[3];
var total = raw.width * raw.height;
// or eq... var total = d.length / 4;
var fills = Math.max(1, total - blanks);
var avg = [
Math.round(sum[0] / fills),
Math.round(sum[1] / fills),
Math.round(sum[2] / fills),
(255 - Math.round(sum[3] / fills)) / 255 // rgba - alpha is 0.0 to 1.0
var percent = (blanks / total) * 100;
if (G_DEBUG) {
console.log(blanks, total, percent);
console.log("avg px=", avg.toString());
return avg;
* Computes the average grayscale pixel value assuming an RGBA format, with a max of 255 for each component.
* However, only the R (red) component is considered.
* @param {ImageData} raw The image data (access to pixel data).
* @returns a number representing the average pixel value intensity (0 to 255).
get_avg_pixel_gs: function(raw) {
var blanks = 0;
var d = raw.data;
var sum = 0;
// Optimization note, with greyscale we only need to process one component...
for (var i = 0; i < d.length; i += 4) {
const px = d[i];
const alpha = d[i+3];
if (px === 0 && alpha === 0) {
blanks += 1;
} else {
sum += px;
var total = raw.width * raw.height;
var fills = Math.max(1, total - blanks);
var avg = Math.round(sum / fills);
return avg;
* Draws a grid on a given drawing stage.
* Based on solution-1 from: https://longviewcoder.com/2021/12/08/konva-a-better-grid
* @param {*} gridLayer a layer on the stage to use for drawing the grid on.
* @param {*} rect a rectangle represing the size and position of the grid to draw.
* @param {number} rows the number of rows in the grid.
* @param {number} cols the number of columns in the grid.
* @param {*} lineColor the line color of the grid.
* @returns the cell size (width, height)
drawGrid: function(gridLayer, rect, rows, cols, lineColor) {
if (typeof lineColor == 'undefined' || lineColor == null || lineColor.length < 1)
lineColor = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)';
var startX = rect.x();
var startY = rect.y();
var stepSizeX = rect.width() / cols;
var stepSizeY = rect.height() / rows;
const xSize = gridLayer.width(), // stage.width(),
ySize = gridLayer.height(), // stage.height(),
xSteps = cols, //Math.round(xSize/ stepSizeX),
ySteps = rows; //Math.round(ySize / stepSizeY);
// draw vertical lines
for (let i = 0; i <= xSteps; i++) {
new Konva.Line({
x: startX + (i * stepSizeX),
points: [0, 0, 0, ySize],
stroke: lineColor,
strokeWidth: 1,
//draw Horizontal lines
for (let i = 0; i <= ySteps; i++) {
new Konva.Line({
y: startY + (i * stepSizeY),
points: [0, 0, xSize, 0],
stroke: lineColor,
strokeWidth: 1,
var cellInfo = {
width: stepSizeX,
height: stepSizeY,
return cellInfo;
* Draws a given shape repeatedly (clones) in a grid pattern.
* The shape will be drawn {@link rows} by {@link cols} times.
* Originally based from drawGrid() ...
* @param {*} layer The layer to draw on
* @param {*} rect The bounds of the grid pattern
* @param {*} shape The shape to draw
* @param {number} rows the number of rows for the grid
* @param {number} cols the number of columns for the grid
repeatDrawOnGrid: function(layer, rect, shape, rows, cols) {
var startX = rect.x();
var startY = rect.y();
var stepSizeX = rect.width() / cols;
var stepSizeY = rect.height() / rows;
var cellCenterX = stepSizeX / 2;
var cellCenterY = stepSizeY / 2;
// interate over X
for (let i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
// interate over Y
for (let j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
var shapeCopy = shape.clone();
shapeCopy.x(startX + (i * stepSizeX) + cellCenterX);
shapeCopy.y(startY + (j * stepSizeY) + cellCenterY);
layer.add( shapeCopy );
* Draws a "stenciled" version of the given image and probe/shape based the grid parameters.
* "Stenciles" on a grid with an array of "cloned" spots.
* @param {*} previewStage The stage to draw on.
* @param {*} image The image to draw and "stencil".
* @param {*} probe The shape to stencil image with repeatedly in a grid pattern
* @param {number} rows The number of rows for the grid
* @param {number} cols The number of columns for the grid
* @param {*} rect The bounds for the grid
* @todo Likely remove it, deprecated and no longer used by anything...
computeResampledPreview: function(previewStage, image, probe, rows, cols, rect){
var previewLayer = previewStage.getLayers()[0];
var gr = image.clone();
this.repeatDrawOnGrid(previewLayer, rect, probe, rows, cols);
* Draws a resampled image with the given spot/probe.
* Samples on a grid with an array of "cloned" spots.
* The sampling grid fits the full size of the destination stage.
* @deprecated This has been replaced by {@link Utils.computeResampledSlow} due to accuracy concerns.
* @todo review this function, maybe remove or improve.
* @param {*} sourceStage The stage for the original image to pixel data from.
* @param {*} destStage The destination stage to draw on.
* @param {*} image The image size and position.
* @param {*} probe The sampling shape or probe
* @param {number} rows The number of rows for the sampling grid
* @param {number} cols The number of columns for the sampling grid
computeResampledFast: function(sourceStage, destStage, image, probe, rows, cols){
var destLayer = destStage.getLayers()[0];
var layer = sourceStage.getLayers()[0];
// layer.cache();
var ctx = layer.getContext();
var lRatio = ctx.getCanvas().pixelRatio;
// process each grid cell
var startX = image.x(), startY = image.y();
var stepSizeX = image.width() / cols, stepSizeY = image.height() / rows;
// interate over X
for (let i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
// interate over Y
for (let j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
var cellX = startX + (i * stepSizeX);
var cellY = startY + (j * stepSizeY);
var cellW = stepSizeX;
var cellH = stepSizeY;
var pxData = ctx.getImageData(
cellX * lRatio,
cellY * lRatio,
cellW * lRatio,
cellH * lRatio
if (!G_DEBUG) {
// var avgPx = this.get_avg_pixel_rgba(pxData);
// var avgColor = "rgba("+ avgPx.join(',') +")";
var avg = Utils.get_avg_pixel_gs(pxData);
var avgColor = "rgba("+[avg,avg,avg,1].join(',')+")";
var cPixel = new Konva.Rect({
listening: false,
x: cellX,
y: cellY,
width: cellW,
height: cellH,
fill: avgColor,
} else {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = cellW * lRatio;
canvas.height = cellH * lRatio;
canvas.getContext('2d').putImageData(pxData, 0, 0);
const cPixel = new Konva.Image({
image: canvas,
listening: false,
x: cellX,
y: cellY,
width: cellW,
height: cellH,
if (G_DEBUG) {
this.drawGrid(destLayer, image, rows, cols);
* Essentially, this is {@link Utils.computeResampledFast}, but corrected for spot size larger than the cell size.
* Samples on a grid with an array of "cloned" spots.
* {@link Utils.computeResampledFast} limits the sampling to the cell size, and takes in smaller version of the
* image that is already drawn and "compositied" in a Konva Stage, instead of the original larger image...
* @param {*} sourceStage The stage to get the subregion area
* @param {*} destStage The stage to draw on
* @param {*} oImage The ground truth/source/original image to get data from.
* @param {*} probe The spot/probe to sample with
* @param {number} rows The number of rows for the sampling grid
* @param {number} cols The number of columns for the sampling grid
* @param {number} rect The bounds of the sampling grid
* @param {number} rowStart The row to start iterating over.
* @param {number} rowEnd The row at which to stop iterating over.
* @param {number} colStart The column to start iterating over.
* @param {number} colEnd The column at which to stop iterating over.
* @param {boolean} doClear Whether the layer should be cleared before drawing.
* @param {boolean} useLastLayer Whether to use the last (true) or first (false) layer to draw on.
computeResampledSlow: function(sourceStage, destStage, oImage, probe, rows, cols, rect,
rowStart = 0, rowEnd = -1, colStart = 0, colEnd = -1, doClear = true, useLastLayer = false){
var layers = destStage.getLayers();
var destLayer = layers[0];
if (useLastLayer) { destLayer = layers[layers.length-1]; }
if (doClear) { destLayer.destroyChildren(); }
var pImage = oImage.image(),
canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
// canvas = document.getElementById('testdemo'),
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// get and transform cropped region based on user-sized konva-image for resampling
var sx = (sourceStage.x() - oImage.x()) / oImage.scaleX();
var sy = (sourceStage.y() - oImage.y()) / oImage.scaleY();
var sw = sourceStage.width() / oImage.scaleX();
var sh = sourceStage.height() / oImage.scaleY();
canvas.width = destStage.width();
canvas.height = destStage.height();
var rw = (oImage.width() / pImage.naturalWidth);
var rh = (oImage.height() / pImage.naturalHeight);
sx / rw, sy /rh, // crop x, y
sw / rw, sh /rh, // crop width, height
0, 0,
var image = canvas; //oImage.image();
var sx = (oImage.x() - sourceStage.x());// * oImage.scaleX();
var sy = (oImage.y() - sourceStage.y());// * oImage.scaleY();
var sw = sourceStage.width() * oImage.scaleX();
var sh = sourceStage.height() * oImage.scaleY();
destLayer.add(new Konva.Image({
x: sx,
y: sy,
width: sw,
height: sh,
image: pImage,
// process each grid cell
var startX = 0, startY = 0;
// var stepSizeX = image.naturalWidth / cols, stepSizeY = image.naturalHeight / rows;
var stepSizeX = destStage.width() / cols, stepSizeY = destStage.height() / rows;
var startX_stage = rect.x(), startY_stage = rect.y();
var stepSizeX_stage = rect.width() / cols, stepSizeY_stage = rect.height() / rows;
if (colEnd < 0) { colEnd = cols; }
if (rowEnd < 0) { rowEnd = rows; }
// interate over X
for (let i = colStart; i < colEnd; i++) {
// interate over Y
for (let j = rowStart; j < rowEnd; j++) {
var cellX = startX + (i * stepSizeX);
var cellY = startY + (j * stepSizeY);
var cellW = stepSizeX;
var cellH = stepSizeY;
probe.x(cellX + cellW/2);
probe.y(cellY + cellH/2);
var avg = this.ComputeProbeValue_gs(image, probe);
var avgColor = "rgba("+[avg,avg,avg,1].join(',')+")";
// Konva drawing
var cellX_stage = startX_stage + (i * stepSizeX_stage);
var cellY_stage = startY_stage + (j * stepSizeY_stage);
var cellW_stage = stepSizeX_stage;
var cellH_stage = stepSizeY_stage;
var cPixel = new Konva.Rect({
listening: false,
x: cellX_stage,
y: cellY_stage,
width: cellW_stage,
height: cellH_stage,
fill: avgColor,
* Converts an angle in radians to degrees
* @param {number} angle the angle in radians.
* @returns the angle in degrees
toDegrees: function(angle) { return angle * (180 / Math.PI); },
* Converts an angle in degrees to radians
* @param {number} angle the angle in degrees.
* @returns the angle in radians
toRadians: function(angle) { return angle * (Math.PI / 180); },
* Calculates the euclidean distance.
* @param {*} x1
* @param {*} y1
* @param {*} x2
* @param {*} y2
* @returns the distance in the given coordinates' units.
distance: function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/33743107/883015
var dist = Math.hypot(x2-x1, y2-y1);
return dist;
* Gets the image scaling based on the Konva.Image size vs the image's true or 'natural' size.
* @param {*} konvaImage The konva image object
* @param {*} imageObj The actual image's HTML/DOM object
* @returns an object with the calculated values as properties 'x' and 'y'.
imagePixelScaling: function(konvaImage, imageObj) {
return {
x: (konvaImage.width() / imageObj.naturalWidth),
y: (konvaImage.height() / imageObj.naturalHeight),
* Convert stage to unit square coordinates
* @param {*} x
* @param {*} y
* @param {*} stage coordinates source stage
* @returns unit square coordinates
stageToUnitCoordinates: function(x, y, stage){
var centered = {
x: x - (stage.width() / 2),
y: y - (stage.height() / 2),
var unit = {
x: centered.x / stage.width(),
y: centered.y / stage.height(),
return unit;
* Convert unit square to image pixel coordinates.
* @param {*} x
* @param {*} y
* @param {*} imageObj the original image object (with a width and height property)
* @returns image pixel coordinates
unitToImagePixelCoordinates: function(x, y, imageObj) {
return {
x: x * imageObj.naturalWidth,
y: y * imageObj.naturalHeight,
* Convert stage to Image pixel coordinates
* @param {*} x
* @param {*} y
* @param {*} stage coordinates source stage
* @param {*} imageObj the original image object (with a width and height property)
* @returns image pixel coordinates
stageToImagePixelCoordinates: function(x, y, stage, imageObj) {
var unit = this.stageToUnitCoordinates(x, y, stage);
var ipixel = this.unitToImagePixelCoordinates(unit.x, unit.y, imageObj);
return ipixel;
* Convert image pixel to coordinates in "real" (or scaled) units
* @param {*} x
* @param {*} y
* @param {*} pxSizeX the width of a pixel in "real" units
* @param {*} pxSizeY the height of a pixel in "real" units
* @returns "real" coordinates
imagePixelToRealCoordinates: function(x, y, pxSizeX, pxSizeY = null) {
if (pxSizeY == null) { pxSizeY = pxSizeX; }
return {
x: x * pxSizeX,
y: y * pxSizeY,
* Formats the values given to the appropriate display unit (nm or μm).
* @param {*} value_in_nm a value in nm.
* @param {*} value2_in_nm (optional) a value in nm.
* @returns an object containing the adjusted values and selected unit.
formatUnitNm: function(value_in_nm, value2_in_nm = 0){
/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
var out = {
value: value_in_nm,
value2: value2_in_nm,
unit: "nm",
if (Math.abs(out.value) > 1000 || Math.abs(out.value2) > 1000) {
out.value /= 1000;
out.value2 /= 1000;
out.unit = "μm";
/* eslint-enable no-magic-numbers */
return out;
* Generate a filename with a timestamp and the given prefix and counter.
* @param {string} prefix the filename prefix
* @param {number} counter a counter that has been incremented elsewhere
* @param {string} [fileExt="png"] the file extension
* @returns the filename.
GetSuggestedFileName: function(prefix, counter, fileExt = "png"){
const ISODateEnd = 10;
var datestamp = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, ISODateEnd).replaceAll('-','.');
var sCounter = String(counter).padStart(3,'0');
var filename = prefix+"-"+datestamp+"-"+sCounter+"."+fileExt;
return filename;
/** Used internally, for @see {@link Utils.ComputeProbeValue_gs} */
* Gets the average pixel value (grayscale intensity) with the given image and one probe.
* @param {*} image the image to get pixel data from
* @param {*} probe the sampling shape/spot.
* @param {number} superScale factor to scale up ("blow-up") the image for the sampling.
* @returns the computed grayscale color
ComputeProbeValue_gs: function(image, probe, superScale=1) {
// var iw = image.naturalWidth, ih = image.naturalHeight;
// get ellipse info
var ellipseInfo = probe;
if (typeof probe.getStage == 'function') { // if Konva Ellipse
ellipseInfo = {
centerX: probe.x(),
centerY: probe.y(),
rotationRad: this.toRadians(probe.rotation()),
radiusX: probe.radiusX(),
radiusY: probe.radiusY()
// optimization is to reduce search area to max bounds possible of the ellipse
var maxRadius = Math.max(ellipseInfo.radiusX, ellipseInfo.radiusY);
var maxDiameter = 2 * maxRadius;
var cvSize = maxDiameter * superScale;
// create an offscreen canvas, if not already done
if (this._COMPUTE_GS_CANVAS == null) {
this._COMPUTE_GS_CANVAS = new OffscreenCanvas(cvSize, cvSize);
var cv = this._COMPUTE_GS_CANVAS;
// var cv = document.createElement('canvas');
// if (G_DEBUG) {
// document.body.appendChild(cv);
// }
cv.width = cvSize;
cv.height = cvSize;
if (cv.width == 0 || cv.height == 0)
return 0;
var ctx = cv.getContext('2d');
ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
// since we are reusing the offscreen canvas, we should clear it each time
// to prevent getting artifacts from previous draws
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, cv.width, cv.height);
// draw the image
// ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
// optimization, to draw only the necessary area of the image
ellipseInfo.centerX - maxRadius,
ellipseInfo.centerY - maxRadius,
// then, set the composite operation
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-in'; //TODO: Is this right? or 'source-in'?
// then draw the pixel selection shape
maxDiameter / 2 * superScale,
maxDiameter / 2 * superScale,
ellipseInfo.radiusX * superScale,
ellipseInfo.radiusY * superScale,
0, 2 * Math.PI);
ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
// grab the pixel data from the pixel selection area
var pxData = ctx.getImageData(0,0,cv.width,cv.height);
// hack to directly use Konva's built-in filters code
if (typeof Konva != 'undefined') {
var brightnessFunc = Konva.Filters.Brighten.bind({
brightness: () => this.getBrightnessInput()});
var contrastFunc = Konva.Filters.Contrast.bind({
contrast: () => this.getContrastInput()});
// apply it directly to out image data before we sample it.
// compute the average pixel (excluding 0-0-0-0 rgba pixels)
var pxColor = this.get_avg_pixel_gs(pxData);
// delete the canvas
ctx = null;
cv = null;
return pxColor;
* Applies Brightness/Contrast (B/C) values to a given Konva stage or drawable.
* @param {*} drawable The Konva stage or drawable / drawElement.
* @param {*} brightness The brightness value, from -1 to 1.
* @param {*} contrast The contrast value, mainly from -100 to 100.
applyBrightnessContrast: function(drawable, brightness=0, contrast=0) {
// cache step is need for filter effects to be visible.
// https://konvajs.org/docs/performance/Shape_Caching.html
// Filters: https://konvajs.org/api/Konva.Filters.html
// Brightness => https://konvajs.org/docs/filters/Brighten.html
// Contrast => https://konvajs.org/docs/filters/Contrast.html
var currentFilters = drawable.filters();
// null check, default to empty array if n/a.
currentFilters = currentFilters != null ? currentFilters : [];
// Add filter if not already included...
var currentFiltersByName = currentFilters.map(x => x.name);
var filtersToSet = currentFilters;
var added = 0;
['Brighten', 'Contrast'].forEach(filterName => {
if (!currentFiltersByName.includes(filterName)) {
if (G_DEBUG) {
console.log("filters added:", added);
// apply B/C filter values
* Sets the image Smoothing option for a given stage.
* Currently, this only affects the "base" layer.
* For now it doesn't make sense to remove smoothing from overlay layers
* which are currently used for annotations and such.
* @param {*} stage The stage
* @param {*} enabled True for enabled, false for disabled
setStageImageSmoothing: function(stage, enabled=true){
var layers = stage.getLayers();
// if we need / want this for all layers, we could loop over all layers
if (layers.length > 0) {
var baseLayer = layers[0];
// 2024.02.05: imageSmoothingQuality is not yet fully supported...
// baseLayer.imageSmoothingQuality = 'low';
* Find and gets the first "image" type from the first layer of the given Konva stage
* @param {*} stage the stage to search through
* @returns the first image object
getFirstImageFromStage: function(stage){
var image = stage.getLayers()[0].getChildren(function(x){
return x.getClassName() == 'Image';
return image;
* Creates a new Konva.Rect object based on the position and size of a given konva object.
* @param {*} kObject A konva object that has a size and postion, such as a stage, image, or rect.
* @returns a rectable object with x, y, width, and height functions.
getRectFromKonvaObject: function(kObject){
return new Konva.Rect({
x: kObject.x(),
y: kObject.y(),
width: kObject.width(),
height: kObject.height(),
* Finds (non-recusrive) the first layer with a matching on a given stage, null if n/a.
* @param {*} stage The stage or element with layers.
* @param {*} layerName The name of the layer.
getLayerByName: function(stage, layerName){
var layers = stage.getLayers();
for (let i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
const layer = layers[i];
const name = layer.name();
if (name == layerName) {
return layer;
return null;
* get the image without the row/draw indicator
* @param {*} stage the stage to search through
* @returns the image object
getVirtualSEM_KonvaImage: function(stage){
// should be the only "Image" child on the first layer...
return this.getFirstImageFromStage(stage);
* get the imageData (pixels) from a given konva object/image
* @param {*} konvaObject the shape/image/object to get image data from
* @param {number} pixelRatio the pixel ratio to scale (larger means ~higher resolution)
* @param {boolean} imageSmoothing Set to true to use image smoothing
* @returns The image data
getKonvaImageData: function(konvaObject, pixelRatio=2, imageSmoothing=true) {
// TODO: maybe we get higher DPI / density images?
var cnv = konvaObject.toCanvas({"pixelRatio": pixelRatio, "imageSmoothingEnabled": imageSmoothing});
var ctx = cnv.getContext('2d');
var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, cnv.width, cnv.height);
return data;
/** Displays a message/dialog box with information about this application. */
ShowAboutMessage: function(){
/* eslint-disable max-len */
const id = 'dialog-about';
var about = $('#'+id);
if (about.length) {
} else {
var elem = $("<div/>")
'id': id,
'title': "About " + G_APP_NAME
// fix jquery-ui auto-focus bug: https://stackoverflow.com/a/14748517/883015
<input type="hidden" autofocus="autofocus" />
<div style="float: left;margin: 0 4px;"><img src="src/img/icon128.png" width="48"></div>
<p><b>` +G_APP_NAME+ `</b> was created as an easy-to-use tool to understand the effects of
the spot size to pixel size ratio on image clarity and resolution
in the SEM image formation / rasterization process.</p>
<p><b>Application Development</b></p>
<li>Main developer: Joachim de Fourestier</li>
<li>Original concept: Michael W. Phaneuf</li>
<details open>
<summary><b>Source Code and Documentation</b></summary>
<li>Source code: <a href="https://github.com/joedf/ImgBeamer">https://github.com/joedf/ImgBeamer</a></li>
<li>Code documentation: <a href="https://joedf.github.io/ImgBeamer/jsdocs">https://joedf.github.io/ImgBeamer/jsdocs</a></li>
<li>Application design: <a href="https://github.com/joedf/CAS741_w23">https://github.com/joedf/CAS741_w23</a></li>
<li>Quick start guide: <a href="https://joedf.github.io/ImgBeamer/misc/ImgBeamer_QS_guide.pdf">ImgBeamer_QS_guide.pdf</a></li>
<summary><b>Image Contributions</b></p></summary>
<li>Bavley Guerguis for the APT needle image <q>APT_needle.png</q></li>
<li>Joachim de Fourestier for the <q>El Laco tephra (EL-JM-P4)</q> images
<q>tephra_448nm.png</q>, <q>tephra_200nm.png</q>,
and the virtual <q>grains</q> images.
<p>All images belong to their respective owners and are used here with permission.</p>
<summary><b>Open-Source Libraries</b></p></summary>
<li><a href="https://konvajs.org">Konva.js</a> - HTML5 2d canvas js library</li>
<li><a href="https://jquery.com/">jQuery</a>
and <a href="https://jqueryui.com">jQuery-ui</a> - HTML DOM manipulation and UI elements</li>
<li><a href="https://github.com/dataarts/dat.gui">dat.gui</a> - Lightweight GUI for changing variables</li>
<li><a href="https://github.com/photopea/UTIF.js">UTIF.js</a> - Fast and advanced TIFF decoder</li>
<li><a href="https://github.com/darosh/image-ms-ssim-js">image-ms-ssim.js</a> - Image multi-scale structural similarity (MS-SSIM)</li>
modal: true,
width: 540,
buttons: {
Ok: function() {
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
/* eslint-enable max-len */